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At Redeemer, we want to grow deeper in our walk with Jesus and impact our community positively with the love of God. To do this, we need resources ~ and so we ask you to please consider donating to what God is doing in us and through us.

ways to give:

online giving

You can make single donations or recurring weekly or monthly donations to Redeemer Alliance Church anytime, anywhere, using your credit or debit card on* Tax receipts for donations made on will be provided by Redeemer Alliance Church at year-end.

*Please note that levies a small fee on each donation submitted through their service. You will be given the option to cover this fee as part of your donation if you wish. 

why give?

At Redeemer Alliance Church, we believe that all we have is a gift from God and that He will meet our every need. As an expression of our love for God, we seek to give freely of our time, talents and treasures.


We strive to live generously by giving back from donations we receive to those in need spiritually, emotionally and physically by supporting partner organizations in our community, our nation and around the world - and through our own programs here in Orléans.


If would like to know more about how Redeemer Alliance Church is using your donation, or how to give to the church financially, please contact us today.

pre-authorized debit

Set up automatic giving to make donations every two weeks or monthly, by downloading, printing and completing the application form. Then, either deliver the hard copy form and a VOID cheque to the church office or scan and email the form to together with a scan or photo of a VOID cheque. 


To make an automatic donation by eTransfer, email the transfer to; no security question required.   

offering envelopes

If you wish to give regularly at our Sunday morning services, you can request a box of numbered offering envelopes from the church office at, or call 613-837-9953.

occasional giving

If you are a guest with us on a Sunday morning and you wish to receive a tax receipt for a donation, please ask one of our ushers for an envelope; insert your cash or cheque, mark the envelope with your name and complete mailing address, and put the envelope into the offering plate. We will ensure that you receive a tax receipt for your donation at year-end.

tax receipts

Thank you for your generosity! Tax receipts for the previous year are issued by the end of February. All donations made on or prior to December 31 of the previous year will be counted towards your tax receipt. Throughout February, tax receipts are handed out in the church foyer on Sundays, or mailed to you.

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4825 Innes Road

Ottawa, ON K4A 4J3

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©2018 by Redeemer Alliance Church. 

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