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redeemer kids

"A person's a person no matter how small" ~ Dr. Seuss

We totally agree. That's why we take great care - to take great care - as we help Redeemer's littlest people learn about God's great love for them.    

Plan to Protect:

Redeemer participates in Plan to Protect to create a safe place for our children, youth and volunteers in kids' ministries. It involves:

  • Training and police checks for all volunteers with Redeemer Kids and Youth.

  • Online registration and identification stickers for children and parents at check-in for the Sunday service, Awana Club and Summer Camp activities.

  • Maintaining appropriate adult to children ratios. 

  • Documented policies and procedures reviewed with all volunteer staff.

Sunday Nursery (0-36 months)

Leader: Nathaniel MacEachern

Families with kids aged newborn to age 3 are encouraged to join us for our Nursery Program offered during the regular Sunday service. Parents can drop off their child(ren) in our Nursery room (located off of the main foyer) prior to service. If a child needs parental care during the service, the child’s number will flash on the main screen in the sanctuary. Have more questions about our RedeemerKids Nursery program? Click the button below to email the church.

Kids' Church (Age 3 to Grade 6)

Leader: Nathaniel MacEachern

Our KidsChurch program happens every Sunday during our 10am service. We currently are offering two programs: Junior KidsChurch for children aged 3 to Grade 1 and Senior KidsChurch for children in Grades 2 to 6. On Sundays, parents will sign in and drop their child(ren) in the KidsWing prior to service. Have more questions about our KidsChurch program? Click the button below to email Redeemer Kids. 

Moms & Tots (Preschool - ages 0-5)

Leader: Moms & Tots Team

Every Thursday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am, Moms and their little ones are welcome to join us at the Church for a time of community for moms and a time of play for the tots. During this time, we play, we learn about who God is and how much he loves his kids.

For more information please email:

Awana Club (Age 3 to Grade 6)

Leader: Lynda Nelson

From 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday nights from mid-September to end of April, Redeemer offers the Awana program to children ages 3 to grade 6. Through small-group Bible learning and large-group Bible teaching, worship, games and awards, Awana "clubbers" learn how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ affects their daily lives. For more information contact the Awana Program by clicking the link below.

don't miss a thinG:

Stay up-to-date with monthly updates, event previews and resources in your Inbox by subscribing to the monthly Redeemer Kids Parents' Newsletter. 

Parents & Tots


Avoid overwhelm! Read up on how things roll on Sunday mornings 

Youth Programs

Check out our ministries for tweens and teens

Serve Redeemer Kids

Want to volunteer with Redeemer Kids? We'd love your help!

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4825 Innes Road

Ottawa, ON K4A 4J3

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©2018 by Redeemer Alliance Church. 

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